Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Somebody Want It

You've seen us say this a hundred times: Somebody want it. 

But, what does it mean? Don't worry. I'll tell you.

Basically, this statement speaks for itself. Somebody always wants it. Even the least desirable of things are desirable to somebody. Thus, somebody want it. Even if you don't want it, somebody want it. Even if you and the crew don't want it, somebody want it. Trust me. Somebody ALWAYS want it.

Let me give you an example...

We all know the girl that's not even the least bit attractive to 99.5% of the people that you know. But, for some reason, this girl has over 1,000 followers on Twitter and she even brags about all of the DMs that she gets. She seems thirsty, looks overweight, and, from her tweets, doesn't seem to be very intelligent. It seems that on a regular basis, this girl is the topic of subliminal jokes or she is creating trending topics to get some kind of attention. With all of these seemingly negative qualities, something is making this girl popular. Something is causing her DMs to jump.  A few people are in her mentions for a reason. What could it be? Somebody want it. This girl is saying, showing, or doing something that is making somebody desire something about her. 

Here is when all of this becomes a problem...

This girl isn't used to this attention. She actually doesn't get this kind of attention outside of Twitter because she smells bad, has a bad reputation, or has low self-esteem. So, when these guys come through her mentions and DMs, her "Twitter confidence" increases and she feels invincible. Twitter gives her life. This girl now thinks that everybody want it, but she is sadly mistaken. In reality, the guys in her DMs and and mentions want no parts of the "it" that she offers. They may even decide to tell her this one day, but, in these instances, she laughs. She doesn't believe what's being said. She finds the slander funny. Now, the guys in her mentions and DMs are stuck with her. She's not going anywhere. She is now making up stories about the "relationships" that she's had with these Twitter personalities. Somehow she has your number. Now, she's showing up to every club, concert, and church service you attend. Why? Because she truly believes... 

Somebody want it.


She truly believes...

Everybody want it.

Yet the girl who believes that "everybody wants it" is still looking for somebody this boo season... THE somebody... The somebody that wants it. Boo hoo. Sad story. 

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